Echoes of Their Footsteps - Volume II
The Irish Civil War 1922-1924

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Premium Hard Back $49.95 each
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If you want a play-by-play account of important operations and key people during the Irish Civil War... this is your book!
Originally Kathleen planned a single book about the twenty-two hunger strikers who sacrificed their lives in the twentieth century. To understand the men and women and their particular circumstances, however, she wanted to provide a clear history of the Movement itself. And so, as a backdrop to each striker’s story, she began a chronology of events in his time period that would help explain his viewpoint and position.
When fifty pages of chronology had been accumulated, she read through them and realised she had the beginnings of a survey history of the IRA written not in streams of words, but in concise entries, sequentially ordered. The reader is provided with an overall view of the Civil War countrywide with a look at happenings in Co. Clare, on the same day an ambush in Co. Tipperary, and the following day an explosion in Dublin. The main crux of the book is a running historical calendar of events about the Irish Republican Army (interspersed with various tidbits of notable Irish happenings), punctuated with articles detailing the various hunger strikers and placing those articles alongside the time period during which they lived. She also included in the items specific references from which she derived her information in case any reader wanted to further explore the particulars of various events. In the process of amassing all the minute pieces of information and spotlighting the important happenings and persons of the time, Kathleen also determined that a lengthy article about each of the men who held the Chief of Staff position in the Republican Army would be a valuable addition to the story. The book is illustrated by scores of photographs strategically placed next to the text which they illustrate.
This volume was greatly enhanced by the labours of Patrick “Patsy” Flanagan of Four Mile House, Co. Roscommon, a researcher extraordinaire, who forwarded hundreds of news articles across the Atlantic to add credence and accuracy to the text.