The Researcher/Co-Author: Patrick Flanagan
Bits and pieces suit him. Patrick Flanagan became a tiling contractor in Dublin during his adult years, and his genius for piecing together fragments and coming up with a grand design reflects in his extraordinary ability to assemble seemingly random items of information and bring the big picture into focus. Born in Cornashinagh, Four Mile House, Co. Roscommon, he obtained his schooling in Roscommon town. Throughout the years, he has been a contributor to the Roscommon Historical and Archaeological Journal as well as Roscommon Life magazine. Although he retired to Co. Wexford with his wife Frances in 2009, he continues to donate his time and talent to Kilbride parish, Four Mile House, where he labours on recording tombstone inscriptions in the old Ballinderry Cemetery and authors articles for the History of Kilbride Parish. He took time away from his family to extend his knowledge and expertise across the Atlantic to serve as researcher extraordinaire for this volume.