Other Books By The Author
The Dowds: A Family on the Move
A pictorial history of the Dowd family beginning with ancestors from Heathfield, County Roscommon, Ireland, and spreading across the Atlantic to various parts of the United States.
Price $14.95
** International includes countries besides United States.

Starlight Theatre
Starlight Theatre is a magic place where an evening of musical theatre under the stars in Kansas City's Swope Park speaks so strongly of emotion that the audience is transformed by the presence of the creative experience.
This book is filled with historical photos and provides a "behind the scenes" look at the real workings of the second largest outdoor theatre in the United States. A must for theatre goers everywhere.
Unlike many other art forms, live outdoor theatre is a participatory experience, an event that the spectator helps to create. Every audience is unique because every set of circumstances that come together for an evening's performance is different. Yet the experience of an evening in Kansas City's hillside amphitheater links millions of Midwesterners who have gone to the theatre in Swope Park and come away refreshed, insightful, and, often, amused. Starlight has become nationally known for its presentation of musical theatre. Light opera, operettas, and book musicals have enchanted audiences there for decades.
Price $19.95
** International includes countries besides United States.

The Trail Tribune
The Trail Tribune is written in newspaper style and features spoon size, newsworthy vignettes and historical curiosities about people and events, past and present, from both ends of the Oregon Trail. The pages are laid out in double columns, and, like a newspaper, include different sections. Livestock and Horse Shows, Hometown Personalities, Women in the News, Civic News, Going Underground, Firsts, and Letters to the Editor are but a few of the selections. The book includes 50 original pencil drawings by Sue Nielsen Atchison that illustrate some of the many little vignettes. Although somewhat geographically limited to both ends of the Oregon Trail, the information included spans the years from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day.
Price $9.95
** International includes countries besides United States.

Here Lie the Boys in Blue and Gray
A book about the Civil War soldiers who are buried in the Newberg Friends Cemetery and the adjoining Fernwood Cemetery in Newberg, Oregon.
On Memorial Day 2012, the author paid a visit to the Friends Cemetery in Newberg, Oregon. During a discussion with the then sexton of the cemetery, Derroll Hockett, she asked the question that launched many thousand words, “Are there any soldiers buried here who fought in the Civil War.” His answer was startling---“Yes, quite a few. Their records are over there in that file cabinet.”
And thus began a three-year project to assemble the names and short biographies of all the boys in blue and gray who now lie silent among the majestic oaks and towering evergreens. Information from cemetery records was supplemented by obituary notices from the Newberg Graphic, U.S. census records, and Civil War Indexes to provide a complete picture of each of the men. Although the sketches generally include the military unit in which the man served, the author aimed not for a combat record of each soldier but rather a human tale, insights into WHO these men were, what roads they traveled throughout their lifetime, and how they ended their life’s journey in Yamhill County, Oregon.
Price $9.95
** International includes countries besides United States.