Echoes of Their Footsteps - Volume III

The Rocky Road to a Republic 1925-1950

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Vital Statistics

687 pages long, hard cover bound on an 8 1/2 by 11" format, includes hundreds of pictures, graced by an original watercolour on the front cover. The book concludes with a forty page, triple column index that includes names of Volunteers mentioned, place names, and themes addressed in the book.

Notes to the Reader

This volume completes the trilogy of Echoes of Their Footsteps, a chronology of events about the Irish Republican Army in the first half of the twentieth century. This book does not merely present the authors’ opinions but rather documents the story of the men and women who devoted their lives to Ireland’s independence. Their individual actions formed a fist of defiance that challenged the premises of the Irish Free State and challenged the Stormont government’s right to rule them. Examples of their sentiments in their own words:

  • "The passionate aspiration for Irish nationhood will outlive the British Empire."
  • "Ireland first. Ireland last. Ireland over all."
  • "Against such unshakeable purpose and unquenchable spirit, no tyranny can prevail."
  • "It is not by hanging they will kill us nor by their cruel and wretched laws."
  • "A felon's cap is the noblest crown an Irishman can wear." "God bless the clay where rests today the Felons of our land."

The book is divided into two sections

Part I A chronology of events from 1925 to 1950.

Part II 1939 to 1945 Internment

They were the unbroken men and women from townlands, small villages, and great cities of Ireland. They suffered in isolation, the invisible, unbought souls, whose names seldom appeared in history books and about whom little has been recorded. Until now! Part II contains details on the hundreds who were imprisoned and interned in the Republic, Northern Ireland, and England during this period.